patient receiving manual therapy

Manual Therapy in Oklahoma City

Experience Hands-On Healing with Manual Therapy at ChiroHer

Welcome to the next level of pain relief and functional improvement. At ChiroHer, we go beyond spinal adjustments to offer you the transformative power of manual therapy. Dr. Michelle Andrews and her team are experts in hands-on techniques that target your muscles, joints, and connective tissues, offering you a comprehensive approach to wellness right here in Oklahoma City.

What's Manual Therapy All About?

Manual therapy is like a master key to unlocking better health. It's a gentle yet effective way to relieve pain and enhance your body's performance. Dr. Andrews uses it to tackle a variety of conditions, from chronic back and neck pain to headaches and migraines. But that's not all; manual therapy can also increase your range of motion, flexibility, strength, endurance, and even your balance and coordination.

Why Choose Manual Therapy?

Here's how manual therapy can be a game-changer for you:

Kick Pain to the Curb

Whether it's arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or injury-related pain, manual therapy offers a hands-on solution to make discomfort a thing of the past.

Speed Up Healing

Our techniques break up scar tissue and boost blood circulation, accelerating your body's natural healing process. This enhanced healing means you'll spend less time sidelined by discomfort and more time enjoying the activities you love.

Tame Inflammation

Our manual therapy techniques can help reduce muscle spasms and restricted movement. Say goodbye to that nagging inflammation and hello to a more flexible, pain-free you.

Relax and Rejuvenate

One of the unsung heroes of manual therapy is its ability to help you relax. By easing muscle tension and enhancing blood flow, you'll find yourself in a state of improved well-being.

How Does It Work?

Think of manual therapy as your body's tune-up. It's a gentler alternative to traditional chiropractic care, focusing on your body's innate ability to heal itself. Through targeted, hands-on adjustments, Dr. Andrews restores balance and function to your muscles and joints.

Types of Manual Therapy We Offer

Manual Traction

This technique stretches your spine or joints, relieving pain and reducing inflammation. It's like a breath of fresh air for your body.

Active Trigger Point Release

Active Trigger Point Release is your go-to for pinpointing those tense spots, melting away pain, and boosting your range of motion and circulation. Dr. Andrews finds the exact trigger points that are the culprits behind your discomfort, helping your muscles to relax and reset. This not only takes care of your current pain but also acts as a preventive measure against future muscle tension. Plus, the enhanced blood flow kickstarts your body's natural healing process, setting you up for quicker recovery from any physical stress.


From joint and muscle pain to tendonitis and pinched nerves, Dr. Andrews mobilization techniques are your go-to for a wide array of conditions. We use instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization and active release to get you back in action.

How Does Manual Therapy Complement My Treatment Plan?

Manual therapy isn't a stand-alone treatment; it's part of your holistic care plan. It works hand-in-hand with your chiropractic adjustments to speed up your recovery and enhance your mobility. Whether you're recovering from surgery or managing chronic conditions, manual therapy can be a pivotal part of your journey to better health.

Oklahoma City's Premier Manual Therapy Destination

At ChiroHer, Dr. Andrews is all about personalized care. She takes the time to understand your unique health needs and craft a treatment plan that's just for you. If you're in Oklahoma City and looking for a holistic approach to wellness, reach out to ChiroHer to discover how manual therapy can elevate your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is manual therapy and how does it differ from traditional chiropractic care in Oklahoma City?

A: Manual therapy at ChiroHer is a specialized, hands-on approach that targets muscles, joints, and connective tissues to relieve pain and improve function. Unlike traditional chiropractic adjustments that focus mainly on spinal alignment, manual therapy uses a variety of techniques to enhance range of motion, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Q: How can manual therapy at ChiroHer help with chronic back pain?

A: Manual therapy is highly effective for treating chronic back pain. Through hands-on techniques like manual traction and mobilization, we aim to relieve tension, improve blood circulation, and accelerate tissue repair. This holistic approach can significantly reduce back pain and improve your quality of life.

Q: Is manual therapy a good option for headaches and migraines in Oklahoma City?

A: Absolutely. Manual therapy at ChiroHer can be a game-changer for those dealing with headaches and migraines. By targeting tension in the neck and upper back muscles, we can alleviate the triggers that often lead to headaches and migraines.

Q: What types of manual therapy techniques are offered at ChiroHer?

A: At ChiroHer, Dr. Andrews offers a range of manual therapy techniques, including manual traction, active trigger point release, and mobilization. These techniques are designed to treat a variety of conditions like joint pain, muscle tension, and tendonitis, making us a versatile manual therapy center in Oklahoma City.

Q: Can manual therapy improve athletic performance?

A: Yes, manual therapy can be a valuable asset for athletes. By enhancing range of motion, reducing muscle tension, and improving joint function, our manual therapy services can help you achieve better athletic performance and quicker recovery times.

Q: How do I know if manual therapy is the right treatment for me?

A: At ChiroHer, Dr. Andrews starts with a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs. Manual therapy is often recommended for those looking to improve mobility, relieve chronic pain, or enhance physical performance. If you're in Oklahoma City and seeking a holistic approach to wellness, manual therapy could be an excellent fit for you.

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