What Exactly Does a Chiropractor Do?

chiropractor fixing patient's back

Welcome to The World of Chiropractic Wellness

Hello and welcome! I'm Dr. Michelle Andrews, the principal chiropractor at ChiroHer, our bespoke chiropractic clinic nestled in the heart of Oklahoma City. At ChiroHer, we've created an immersive wellness experience tailored to you.

Here is a little bit more about my background in chiropractic medicine. My journey into chiropractic care was driven by a strong belief in holistic healing and a desire to empower individuals in their health journeys. Every patient that walks through our doors reminds me of why I chose this path. It's to make a real difference in people's lives with chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care, in my eyes, is a blend of art and science. It's about understanding the intricate dance between the body's structure and its incredible capacity to heal itself. With years of experience and a passion for wellness, I've dedicated my practice to easing pain and nurturing the potential for health and vitality in each of us.

I'm excited to share with you the essence of what we do at ChiroHer. From the roots of chiropractic care to the comprehensive treatments we offer, my goal is to show how chiropractic care and the ChiroHer approach can help improve your health. Whether you're suffering from chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or want a healthier lifestyle, chiropractic care can help.

II. What is Chiropractic Care?

I’m often asked, "What exactly does a chiropractor do?" and “How can it help me?” These are great questions. Many people find chiropractic care a bit mysterious. This is especially true because of the many claims and counterclaims against its effectiveness. So, let's demystify it together. I want to look at chiropractic care’s origins, its core philosophies, and the treatments you might experience. I hope you'll start to see the incredible potential chiropractic care has for improving your wellness.

Historical Roots and Evolution

Chiropractic care isn't a new concept; it's rooted in practices that date back to the late 1800s. The founder, D.D. Palmer, introduced the idea that spinal adjustments could improve health through efficient alignments of the musculoskeletal system. It was a revolutionary thought that has evolved into the approach we use today. It's a rich history and the foundation of our practice at ChiroHer. We blend tradition with modern science and techniques to offer you the best possible care.

Core Principles of Chiropractic Care

At its core, chiropractic care is based on the belief that the body can heal itself. This philosophy is centered on the idea that the spine's alignment greatly impacts health. As with any healthcare practice, practitioners have their own personal philosophies. But ultimately, chiropractic treatments are designed to restore and maintain proper spinal alignment and help the body's natural healing processes work better. The principles of chiropractic care are broken into core principles:

  1. Holistic Approach: Chiropractic care views the body as a whole, emphasizing the body's ability to heal itself and maintaining the balance between structure (primarily the spine) and function.

  2. Focus on the Spinal Health: Central to chiropractic care is the importance of the spine in overall health, particularly how spinal health impacts the nervous system.

  3. Non-Invasive Treatment: Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments, avoiding surgery and drugs.

  4. Preventative Care: Emphasis on preventive health care strategies to maintain wellness and prevent diseases, rather than merely treating symptoms after they develop.

  5. Patient-Centered Care: Each treatment plan is tailored to the individual patient's needs, health history, and specific conditions.

  6. Education: Chiropractors often provide education about nutrition, lifestyle choices, exercise, and overall wellness in addition to spinal care.

Common Chiropractic Techniques and Methods

Chiropractic medicine has well-documented standard treatments. But, each clinic and practitioner is unique. When you visit ChiroHer, our treatments range from spinal adjustments, which are the cornerstone of chiropractic care, to a variety of other techniques that support your body's healing process. We might use soft tissue therapy along with acupuncture. Or we may use rehabilitative exercises paired with lifestyle and nutritional advice. Your treatment plan is unique to you.

Each patient's care plan is unique. It's created with a deep understanding of their specific health challenges and goals and is a collaborative process. I work closely with you to ensure the treatments relieve your immediate concerns and contribute to your long-term health goals.

In the next section, we'll review the role of a chiropractor in your healthcare and lifestyle.

III. The Role of a Chiropractor

In my years of practice, I've realized that the role of a chiropractor is often misunderstood or underestimated. As a chiropractor, my responsibilities go far beyond the common idea. It's not just about 'cracking backs.'' Let's look at the many roles and duties of a chiropractor and the types of conditions we treat.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A chiropractor's main job is to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those affecting the spine. This involves a thorough review of the patient's medical history. It also includes a physical exam and sometimes imaging. Our goal is to identify the root cause of pain or dysfunction and develop an effective treatment plan.

Common Conditions Treated by A Chiropractor

Chiropractors are famous for treating back and neck pain, but our expertise extends to a wide range of conditions. This includes:

Low back pain, neck pain and headaches are the most common problems we see patients for but, you can see from the list that proper physical alignment affects so many aspects of our daily life. ChiroHer patients often tell me they didn't know a chiropractor could help with so many quality-of-life health improvements, but it's true we can!

Preventative Care and Wellness

Beyond treating existing conditions, chiropractors play an important role in preventive care. We advise on lifestyle changes, ergonomic adjustments, and exercises that can prevent future injuries and promote healthier living. This holistic approach is central to the chiropractic philosophy. It emphasizes proactive health maintenance and disease prevention versus medication and surgery. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

In the next section, we'll review what you can expect during your first visit to a chiropractor. We'll make the process clear and set the stage for a positive healthcare experience.

IV. Your First Visit to A Chiropractor: What to Expect

Many new patients come to ChiroHer with a mix of curiosity and apprehension about their first chiropractic visit. It's completely natural to feel this way, and I'm here to walk you through what you can expect so your first experience is comfortable and informative.

  1. Initial Assessment: Your chiropractic journey begins with a comprehensive assessment. This includes discussing your medical history, current health concerns, and any specific symptoms you're experiencing. We may also perform a physical exam, which can include posture analysis, spinal alignment checks, and mobility tests. Sometimes, you may need X-rays to understand your condition better.

  2. Development of a Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on the initial assessment, I'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan outlines the recommended course of treatment, including the types of adjustments or therapies, the frequency of visits, and any at-home exercises or lifestyle changes.

  3. Patient Education and Involvement: An important part of your first visit is education. I believe in empowering my patients with knowledge about their condition and the proposed treatment plan. Understanding the 'why' and 'how' of your treatment fosters collaboration. It also helps in achieving the best outcomes. You'll be encouraged to ask questions and concerns - it's your health and you should be an active participant!

Your first visit to a chiropractor is the start of a new health journey. It's an opportunity to learn about your body, understand potential underlying issues, and start on a path to better health. In the next section, we'll examine the core of chiropractic treatment – spinal adjustments, and their many benefits.

V. Spinal Adjustment: The Core of Chiropractic Treatment

Spinal adjustments are at the heart of chiropractic care. In this section, we’ll examine the essence of spinal adjustments, their benefits, and other techniques we use at ChiroHer. Understanding these aspects is important. They show how chiropractic care can improve your health.

  1. Understanding Spinal Adjustments:

    • Definition and Purpose: A spinal adjustment, also known as spinal manipulation, is a technique where chiropractors use their hands or a device to apply a controlled force to a spinal joint. The primary goal is to improve spinal motion and physical function of the body.

    • The Process: During an adjustment, you might hear a popping sound. This is normal and is due to the release of gas from the joint fluid. It's a sign that the joints are moving as intended.

    • Safety Aspects: Spinal adjustments are generally safe when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner. We ensure that each treatment is tailored to the individual's needs and health status.

  2. Benefits of Spinal Adjustment:

    • Pain Relief: One of the most immediate benefits many patients experience is relief from pain, especially in the lower back and neck.

    • Improved Mobility and Function: Adjustments can enhance joint mobility, making daily activities easier and more comfortable.

    • Holistic Health Improvement: Regular adjustments can contribute to overall health and well-being, not just by alleviating pain but also by improving body function.

  3. Techniques Used in Spinal Adjustments:

    • Manual Adjustments: This traditional method involves using the hands to apply force to the joints of the spine. These adjustments fall into two categories - High-Velocity Low-Amplitude (HVLA) and Mobilization

    • Instrument-Assisted Adjustments: Tools like the activator provide a gentle, precise force to the spine, suitable for patients who require a softer approach.

    • Tailored Approaches for Different Needs: At ChiroHer, we recognize that each patient is unique. We offer a range of techniques to suit individual preferences and conditions including pregnancy.

Spinal adjustments are a cornerstone of chiropractic care and play an important role in treatment plans. If you are unclear on how spinal adjustments fit into a suggested treatment plan ask your chiropractor for clarification. In the next section, we'll examine how chiropractic care goes beyond spinal adjustments, embracing a holistic approach to wellness.

VI. Beyond Spinal Adjustment: Holistic Wellness Approach

Chiropractic care at ChiroHer goes beyond spinal adjustments. We use a whole-person approach, integrating various therapies and lifestyle advice. This care model ensures we address your symptoms but also the underlying causes contributing to your health concerns.

  1. Complementary Therapies and Techniques:

    • Massage Therapy: Often used in conjunction with adjustments, massage therapy helps relax muscles, improve circulation, and improve overall healing.

    • Acupuncture: This traditional technique can be effective in managing pain and stress, complementing chiropractic adjustments.

    • Physiotherapy Exercises: We use specific exercises to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and support spinal health.

  2. Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice for Everyday Wellness:

    • Posture Guidance: Proper posture is crucial for spinal health. We provide personalized advice on maintaining good posture in daily activities.

    • Ergonomic Recommendations: Tailored ergonomic solutions can significantly reduce strain on your body, especially if you spend long hours at a desk or in front of a computer.

    • Stress Management Techniques: Stress can have a profound impact on your physical health. We offer strategies to manage stress effectively, contributing to overall well-being.

  3. Nutritional Counseling for Musculoskeletal Health:

    • Dietary Recommendations: Nutrition plays a vital role in musculoskeletal health. We provide guidance on diets that support bone health, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

    • Supplementation Advice: In some cases, dietary supplements may be recommended to support your chiropractic treatment and overall health goals.

At ChiroHer, we focus on the entire person, not just symptoms. This method covers all health aspects, leading to better, longer-lasting results. In the next section, we will explain how chiropractic care boosts musculoskeletal health by treating various issues.

VII. Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Care

At ChiroHer, we cover many musculoskeletal health issues. It's not just about addressing immediate pain; it's about understanding and treating the body as an interconnected system. This approach helps us address a variety of conditions and promote long-term relief.

  1. Wide Range of Treatable Conditions:

    • Beyond Back and Neck Pain: Chiropractic care is often linked to back and neck pain relief. But, it also treats conditions like sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and migraines.

    • Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation: Athletes can benefit greatly from chiropractic care. Several studies have shown chiropractic care can aid in recovery from sports injuries and improve performance through better alignment and mobility.

    • Pediatric and Geriatric Care: Chiropractic care is adaptable to all ages, offering gentle treatments suitable for children and the elderly, addressing issues like posture problems and age-related joint pain.

    • Pregnancy Chiropractic (Prenatal and Postnatal): Specialized care to support women through pregnancy and after childbirth, focusing on relieving discomfort, proper pelvic alignment, and aiding postnatal recovery.

  2. Holistic Approach to Pain Management:

    • Addressing Root Causes: We focus on identifying and treating the root causes of pain through the spine and the nervous system, rather than just alleviating symptoms, for long-lasting relief. 

    • Non-Pharmacological Treatments: Our treatments offer a non-invasive, drug-free alternative to pain management, reducing the need for medication and its potential side effects.

    • Customized Care Plans: Each patient receives a customized care plan that addresses their specific needs, ensuring a targeted and effective approach to pain management.

In the next section, we'll answer common questions. This helps clear doubts and set realistic expectations.

IX. Why Choose Chiropractic Care?

Choosing chiropractic care is a decision that can impact your health and well-being. As a chiropractor, I've witnessed firsthand the profound benefits it can offer. Here are some key reasons why chiropractic care could be an excellent choice for you.

  1. Non-Invasive, Drug-Free Approach: Chiropractic care is a holistic alternative to standard treatments. It focuses on natural healing methods. This approach lowers the need for medications and their side effects. It also avoids invasive procedures, such as surgery. [Internal Link: Natural Healing with Chiropractic]

  2. Long-Term Health Benefits: Chiropractic care aims beyond immediate pain relief. It targets health issues at their root for long-term improvements. Regular sessions can improve posture, boost mobility, and improve overall health. [Internal Link: Long-Term Benefits of Chiropractic Care]

  3. Personalized Care Tailored to Individual Needs: Each patient receives a customized treatment plan matching their condition and health goals. This personalized approach ensures that treatments are effective and targeted to your unique needs. [Internal Link: Personalized Chiropractic Treatment]

  4. Proven Effectiveness for a Variety of Conditions: Many studies and patient testimonials attest to the effectiveness of chiropractic care. It treats a wide range of conditions, from acute pain to chronic health issues.

  5. Focus on Preventive Health and Wellness: Chiropractic care goes beyond treating current issues. It also prevents future health problems. Proper spinal alignment and regular visits help avoid health issues in general.

  6. Patient Empowerment and Education: Chiropractic care includes educating patients about their health. It empowers them to make informed decisions and take an active role in their health.

Choosing chiropractic care is a step towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. In the next section, I will summarize the importance and benefits of chiropractic care.

X. Concluding Thoughts

We are reaching the end of our examination of chiropractic care. I'd like to stress the profound impact treatment can have on your health and well-being. Chiropractic care is not just a remedy for pain; it's a way to a more balanced, healthier lifestyle.

  1. The Importance of Chiropractic Care:

    • Chiropractic care does more than relieve symptoms. It also addresses the body's function and health. It's a key player in holistic health, offering solutions that are both natural and effective.

    • Focusing on spinal health is important, it has a central role in our overall physical well-being, influencing everything from our mobility to our nervous system function.

  2. Proactive Health Management:

    • I encourage you to view chiropractic care as a proactive approach to health. It's about taking charge of your well-being, preventing issues before they arise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Regular chiropractic check-ups can be an important part of your health routine, just like regular exercise and a balanced diet.

  3. Invitation to Explore Chiropractic Treatment:

    • If you're considering chiropractic care, I invite you to reach out and learn more about how it can benefit you. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or simply seeking to improve your overall health, chiropractic care offers a personal approach to your health.

    • At ChiroHer, we're committed to providing the highest quality of care, ensuring that each patient's journey towards better health is both successful and enjoyable.

In closing, remember that your health is your most valuable asset. Investing in chiropractic care is investing in a healthier, more vibrant future. I look forward to the opportunity to guide you on this journey and help you achieve your health goals.

XI. About Dr. Michelle Andrews

Allow me to share a bit more about myself, Dr. Michelle Andrews, and my experience in the world of chiropractic care. Understanding my background and approach can give you a clearer picture of the care you can expect at ChiroHer.

  1. Professional Journey and Background:

    • I started my chiropractic career with a strong belief in holistic health and the body's innate ability to heal. My education and training have been centered around understanding the complex interplay between the spine, nervous system, and overall health.

    • Over the years, I have specialized in various chiropractic techniques, including the Webster Technique for pregnancy and staying educated in the latest advancements in the field.

  2. Specializations and Achievements:

    • My practice has a special focus on prenatal and postnatal care, recognizing the unique needs of women during these critical stages of life. I'm also well-versed in sports chiropractic, helping athletes achieve optimal performance and recover from injuries.

  3. Contact Information and Appointment Booking:

    • For those interested in starting chiropractic care or learning more about our services, I encourage you to contact us at ChiroHer. You can reach us through our website, by phone, or by visiting our clinic in Oklahoma City.

    • We understand that each individual's health needs are unique, and we're here to provide personalized care. Book an Appointment with Dr. Andrews.

XII. References and Further Reading

To further support your understanding of chiropractic care and its benefits, I've compiled a list of references and recommended readings. These resources provide peer-reviewed sources and additional insights into the world of chiropractic, helping you make informed decisions about your health care.

  1. Scientific Studies on Chiropractic Care:

    • Explore a collection of peer-reviewed studies from the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies that delve into the efficacy and safety of chiropractic treatments. These studies offer a scientific perspective on how chiropractic care can improve various health conditions.

  2. Educational Articles on Chiropractic Principles and Techniques:

    • Gain a deeper understanding of the principles behind chiropractic care and the various techniques used in treatment. These articles provide a comprehensive look at the foundations of chiropractic practice. [External Link: Chiropractic Principles and Techniques]

  3. Resources on Holistic Health and Wellness:

    • For those interested in a holistic approach to health, these resources cover a range of topics from nutrition to stress management, all of which complement chiropractic care. [External Link: Holistic Health Resources]


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